Develop a Hip-Pocket Skill

Gain Advantage and become an asset to the Organization

This summer, while staying in Patna, the capital of my home state, Bihar, we planned a visit to some relatives in Bettiah, my district town. Though there were several travel options, we were advised to take the local train that departed from Patna in the evening. The five-hour journey was made enjoyable by the pleasant weather, thanks to the refreshing rains over the past few days, which filled the air with a cool, soothing breeze.

It had been 18 years since I last traveled on a local train in my state, so naturally, I was excited to experience it again after such a long time. During my journey, I enjoyed interacting with fellow passengers, as I often do. A young man sat across from me, occasionally offering a warm smile. Sensing his friendliness, I greeted him and invited him to join the conversation. I always feel a sense of excitement when engaging with young people, as they represent the hopes and future of our society and the world.

‘What’s your name?’ I asked.

‘Sameer,’ he replied cheerfully.

‘Nice. Where are you headed?’ I inquired further.

‘Motihari. And you, Sir?’ he asked in return.

‘I’m traveling beyond that to Bettiah,’ I replied.

Curious, I continued, ‘So, what do you do for work?’

‘I’m a Service Advisor at a car dealership, Sir,’ he responded a bit modestly.

‘That’s great. Are you with an authorized dealership or a local garage?’ I asked, drawing on my experience managing 3 M’s Automotive Aftermarket business for six years.

With a smile, he said, ‘I’m currently with an authorized dealership, but I used to work at a local service center.’ His enthusiasm grew as he realized my familiarity with the industry.

As our conversation deepened, Sameer shared that he had experience working with nearly every major car brand. He then recounted an interesting story about his transition from a local workshop to an authorized service center.

It turned out that a loyal customer had referred him to the dealership. Curious, I asked, ‘Why did the customer recommend you?’

His eyes lit up as he continued, ‘There was a Hyundai customer who regularly visited our local workshop. He was always satisfied with my service and attitude, and he recommended me to the service manager of a Ford dealership. The customer had recently purchased a Ford and started using their dealership services.’

I could sense he hadn’t fully understood my earlier question, as his answer still didn’t explain why the customer had been so impressed. I pressed further, asking, ‘But why was the customer so happy with your service?’

This time, Sameer’s response hit the mark. ‘Sir, I saved his car and saved him a lot of money,’ he said simply.

Intrigued, I asked, ‘How?’

With modest confidence, he explained, ‘Sir, I can usually pinpoint the exact issue with a car either by inspecting it or driving it for a short time.’ He spoke naturally, seemingly unaware of the remarkable skill he possessed.

‘That’s amazing. Tell me more, ‘I urged, eager to hear the full story.

Sameer continued, ‘In most cases, the real problem with a car isn’t diagnosed correctly. Mechanics often suggest multiple fixes, but the underlying issue remains partially unsolved. This frustrates customers and drives up costs while the vehicle’s condition continues to deteriorate.’ His words were filled with the precision and understanding of a true professional, and I was genuinely impressed by his technical expertise and maturity.

‘I used to repair bicycles with my uncle,’ Sameer began, his voice steady as he reflected on his journey. ‘Then I got an opportunity to learn car repair, and I dedicated myself completely. I worked 12 to 14 hours a day because I wanted to master everything. Once I started working on cars, I felt more excitement. I made it a point to truly love what I was doing.

While my colleagues would head home at the end of the day, I stayed back late into the night. When I finished my own tasks, I would help out with my colleagues’ cars, with their permission, after they had left. As I worked on their cars, I slowly began to notice the gaps in their diagnostics. That’s when I made a vow—to perfect the skill of diagnosing cars accurately. I wanted to save customers money and preserve the life of their vehicles. Over time, this turned into a passion.’

His eyes lit up with quiet pride as he added, ‘Now, I’m not afraid of losing my job. In fact, I get calls almost every day from dealerships asking me to join them. Customers speak highly of me wherever they go for servicing their cars, and every dealership in the city knows me by now.’

Sameer’s story was nothing short of captivating. His dedication, passion, and relentless pursuit of excellence were evident in every word, and I found myself deeply impressed by his journey.

Sameer was unaware that he possessed a “Hip Pocket Skill” due to his lack of formal education. His natural ability to diagnose car issues with precision was what truly set him apart. This hidden talent, developed through dedication and hard work, was exactly what I was trying to uncover during our conversation. It explained why his work intrigued me so much.

What’s a Hip Pocket Skill? Well, a Hip Pocket Skill is a readily available, practical ability developed through experience, allowing individuals to excel in specific tasks without formal training. It’s a go-to skill that can be relied on when needed, often giving a unique advantage.

These skills can encompass both technical and soft skills, ranging from unique problem-solving abilities to effective communication and creative thinking. They may include simplifying complex tasks, fostering consensus in diverse groups, or employing a logical approach to challenges. In Sameer’s case, his exceptional ability to diagnose the real problems with cars exemplifies a technical Hip Pocket Skill that enhances his value in the automotive industry.

There are end number of benefits of hip pocket skills. We can enumerate some of them here:

Increased Value: Individuals with Hip Pocket Skills significantly enhance their worth to organizations by contributing unique expertise and insights.

Competitive Edge: These skills set individuals apart in the job market, leading to better job prospects and career advancement.

Improved Customer Satisfaction: Employees with strong problem-solving skills can address customer issues more effectively, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhanced Team Effectiveness: A greater number of individuals who excel in soft skills can make a performing team that can resolve problems uniquely.

Innovation and Creativity: Hip Pocket Skills often lead to innovative solutions and creative approaches that can benefit both the organization and its customers.

Customer Retention and Revenue Generation: Organizations benefit significantly from Hip Pocket Skills through improved customer retention, increased revenue, and greater trust from customers, all of which contribute to long-term success.

In a nutshell, individuals with Hip Pocket Skills become invaluable assets to their organizations. People should resort to you for a specific problem. Former PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi attached huge importance to this skill and often recommended developing this. You can read it in this link –

How to Develop Your Hip Pocket Skill

Identify Your Passion: Choose one skill that you feel most passionate about or strong in. Focusing on a single skill will allow you to dive deep and cultivate expertise.

Dedicate Time and Effort: Commit to working on this skill with passion and dedication. Set aside regular time to practice and refine it, making it a priority in your personal and professional development.

Utilize Structured Processes: Implement the following processes to enhance your skill:

  • Set Specific Goals: Define clear, measurable goals to track your progress and stay motivated.
  • Seek Feedback: Regularly gather input from mentors or peers to identify areas for improvement and celebrate your successes.
  • Reflect and Adjust: Periodically assess your development and adjust your approach based on what’s working and what needs refinement.

The most important thing is to practice it in real-life situations or work environments to gain mastery over it.

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