Timeless Recipe for Success

Everyone strives for success in whatever they pursue—failure is something no one desires, and this is a natural human nature. We put in our best efforts to achieve success in our professions and careers, doing everything we believe is essential. We seek advice from experts, explore effective techniques and tools, get mentoring, listen to success stories, and engage in continuous learning. However, the challenge lies in the overwhelming abundance of advice, tips, tools, techniques, training programs, literature, and success stories available. This often results in a state of confusion and chaos, leaving us uncertain about what to choose and what to overlook.
As a business leader and writer, I truly believe that whatever works best for you should be embraced and applied in your pursuit of success. This could be any technique, tool, theory, or advice from anyone. Through my decade-long research on leadership principles and execution excellence, I have discovered one powerful truth: learning from the experiences of successful individuals and the wisdom of genius people can be incredibly valuable. Indeed, it goes without saying that learning must be actively practiced to achieve the desired results. So, always remember this one crucial principle.
Some people are incredibly talented, skilled, and wise, and I am truly in awe when I interact with them as part of my research and my ongoing habit of engaging with a diverse range of individuals. They often share such powerful revelations that stay with us always, possessing the power to transform our lives. I recently had the privilege of encountering a rare and wise individual.
In April 2024, while spending a few months in my native place, I came across an elderly man in Patna, the capital city of Bihar, at a nearby market around 10 p.m. I recognized him instantly, as I had spent time with him during a religious conference in Delhi back in the spring of 2009. He is a deeply religious man with profound wisdom, shaped by the struggles he has faced in life—struggles that were the result of his deliberate choices. Perhaps this is why he has always been and continues to be, fully content with what he has in life.
At seventy, he enjoys remarkable health, boundless energy, and a gifted virtue of complete control over his sleep—he can fall asleep anytime and wake up at will. What left me utterly mesmerized was the radiant charm in his eyes and the glowing light on his face.
When I approached him, he didn’t immediately recall our previous meeting. However, after I provided some context, he began to recognize me to some extent. After exchanging greetings, I asked about his health and well-being, and he assured me that all was well.
At that time, I was deeply immersed in writing my magnum opus, Bihari Boy in Kerala, and planning to launch a few ventures close to my heart and aligned with my vision. I was in need of sincere and wise advice to navigate these overwhelming assignments effectively. I shared my plans with him in detail and sought his valuable insights. He listened intently with great patience, took a brief pause, and then said something simple in a profoundly impactful way like a true monk.
‘People always seek shortcuts to success. They have grown accustomed to easy solutions and tend to view everything through that lens. On the contrary, every significant achievement in human history has been the result of immense sacrifices, relentless effort, and unwavering faith,’ he said, speaking effortlessly while gazing into my eyes with sharp focus.
He continued, ‘Anything achieved through shortcuts or easy means is often short-lived and lacks true fulfillment. To fully enjoy the fruit, it must ripen—and ripening is a process that requires its own time and efforts. Even a baby in the womb takes four months to develop life.’
I was deeply engrossed in his words, filled with wisdom and fundamental truths. He was at his absolute best, and it felt as though some profound revelation was unfolding in his mind, which he was graciously sharing with me.
He then said, ‘Always remember this—there are only four fundamental rules to achieve anything in life, no matter how big or impossible it seems:
- Honesty
- Hard Work
- Punctuality
- Strong Faith
‘If you stick to these, nothing can stop you from reaching your goal.’
He spoke as though he were an authority on the subject. Like all of you, I had been hearing and reading these principles since childhood, but that day, they hit me as a newfound golden rule. In an instant, I realized that this was the essence of everything I had learned about leadership principles, the success stories of highly accomplished individuals, and the golden rules and tools for success.
He then gave me his best wishes and politely requested to depart. Deeply grateful and humbled, I said, ‘This was the most fulfilling meeting I have craved. I truly feel relieved from the weight of overwhelming tasks and the fear of failure. I owe you a great deal of respect.’
‘It’s all right, my son. I wish you the best once again, and I am sure you will illuminate this world with the light of your service to humankind,’ he said, shaking my hand and leaving me feeling staunchly optimistic and energized.
I watched him walk away until he disappeared from sight. As I reflected on the rules and principles he had shared, I became fully convinced that all the rules, tools, and techniques ultimately boil down to these Four Golden Principles of Success.